TypeScript SDK

OptiFi SDK

TypeScript interfaces for working with the on-chain OptiFi system:


Configuration variables can be specified either through environment variables, or provided to initializeContext at runtime

Optional Environment Variables:

  • OPTIFI_WALLET: the filepath of a Solana wallet

  • OPTIFI_PROGRAM_ID: The ID of the on chain OptiFi program to interact with. If you don't want to deploy the OptiFi program by yourself, try using the program id deployed on devnet: DeVoPfWrDn2UTA1MbSfagvpQxA91MpNFQnhHRw19dK34

How to initialize a new OptiFi Exchange

  • Bootstrap a new exchange(do only once)

npx ts-node scripts/bootstrap.ts

It will create a new exchange with the OPTIFI_EXCHANGE_ID set in ./constants.ts, (if the exchange id is already bootstrapped, just try using another id), also create OptiFi markets that users can trade on. Each OptiFi market will list one tradable instrument and using a seperate Serum orderbook for placing orders.

  • Load the exchange info npx ts-node scripts/loadExchange.ts

How to trade

  • Create user account on the exchange

npx ts-node scripts/user/createUserAccountIfNotExists.ts
  • Deposit fund (OptiFi USDC) to user's margin account (3000 usdc by default)

npx ts-node scripts/user/deposit.ts
  • Find all available markets and select an OptiFi market to trade

npx ts-node scripts/findOptifiMarkets.ts

It will print all the market info, find the address of any OptiFi market.

Copy the OptiFi market address you want to trade and paste it to variable market in scripts/constants.ts. It will be imported and used in the scripts of later steps

  • Init the user on the OptiFi market (only for first time)

npx ts-node scripts/user/initUserOnMarket.ts

It basically creates an open orders accounts for the Serum orderbook which is used the OptiFi market. Each user will have one open orders accounts for one OptiFi market.

  • Check the current orderbook data

npx ts-node scripts/loadMarketOrderbook.ts
  • Place ask/bid orders

npx ts-node scripts/order/placeOrder.ts
  • Check the user's open account again after new order placed

npx ts-node scripts/loadOpenOdersAccount.ts
  • Check the orderbook again after new order placed

npx ts-node scripts/loadMarketOrderbook.ts

How to run OMM (AMM was rebranded to OMM in Nov 2022)

  • Create an AMM

npx ts-node scripts/amm/initializeAMMs.ts

It will create two AMMs, one for trading BTC options, another for trading ETH options

  • To get the info of created BTC/ETH AMMs, run:

npx ts-node scripts/amm/findAMMs.ts
  • Change the variable ammIndx in scripts/amm/constants.ts, it will be imported and used in later steps. 1 is for BTC amm, 2 for ETH amm

  • To deposit USDC into an AMM, set the amm address and amount to deposit, and run:

npx ts-node scripts/amm/ammDeposit.ts
  • Add the optifi markets to an AMM so that it can trade on that market

npx ts-node scripts/amm/addInstrumentToAmm.ts
  • Make sure you have done the last two steps for BOTH BTC and ETH AMMs

  • Now the amm is ready to work, run the following command to crank the AMM and let the AMM update orders on OptiFi markets contineously:

npx ts-node scripts/amm/crankAMM.ts

After the BTC or ETH AMM starts to run, orders should be placed on all BTC or ETH related OptiFi markets and updated contineously.


Error: failed to get info about account : FetchError: request to https://api.devnet.solana.com/ failed, reason: read ECONNRESET

Solution: It's because of the busy Solana network. just wait for a while and try again

Last updated